Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Yoga Teacher

Jessica, my yoga teacher, decided to move out to California. Boom, just like that! I'm sad, but I have to admire her ability to unconstrainedly head off to a new adventure. If I didn't feel some roots in NYC that I don't want to break, I'd probably head out to Europe for awhile, and see what I could see; or maybe to various parts of this country that I've never seen before; New Orleans, the Gulf states. Or Asia, where I've never been and would like to go.

But off she went, without a job or a prospect, to see what she could see. Before she left, she set me up with a friend of hers named Keisha, to take over the yoga lessons. Keisha seemed great when I met her, and today we had our first lesson. In some ways it was different from the way Jessica taught me. They emphasize different aspects of each pose, which I found very interesting. But in a lot of ways it was very similar. Lots of encouragement, lots of clear explanations of what was intended. And Keisha hit the right difficulty level for me, which turns out to be about 3 notches underneath 'beginner' level.

I'm really lucky, because both Jessica and Keisha were willing to come to my apartment to teach me. It's a lot harder to slack off when the teacher is coming to my home at 7:00 AM. The usual excuses don't seem to work as well for that situation. "Oh, I just couldn't get there today. Had a million things going on." Yeah.

I really like taking the yoga lessons. I can feel it improving my posture and flexibility. Some day I might be healthy!

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