Sunday, August 22, 2010

Eating At Special Events

I just got back from Floating World, which was really great, but I've discovered that trying to live on lettuce with a little chicken and tuna is sub-optimal. I also discovered I could do it. So, cool! But it's sub-optimal. On the other hand, I now know what it feels like to be nutritionally deficient for several days. It felt as though the vitamins and minerals that normally would be making my body go, were being leeched out of me by a strange and unpleasant process.

Floating World itself was excellent. I had one very lovely session of play with one of the people I'm dating. It was perfect. And I got to hang out with a lot of other wonderful people. I also didn't over-purchase toys; instead I got a single thin cane, because my last one was breaking and wasn't meant to be used as a cane (by which I mean a pain stick).

I just got home a few minutes ago with one of the other people I'm dating, and she's over with my apartment-mate hanging out and researching trains, because I mentioned I was curious about all the different ways out of New York City by train. And I'm in here catching up on news, doing Labanotation, considering whether to watch Netflix in spite of the delays; and generally being tired.

Oh - also, I'm apparently no longer on a weight plateau. Even before Floating World I had lost about another 5 lbs. I now weigh approximately 185. In 15 more pounds, I'll be at the high end of 'normal', according to the BMI charts.

If the BMI charts could only look inside my mind, it would just give up right then. And I don't mean it would give up on me. It would give up on its entire approach to other people; then it would go to Paddles and start learning what life can really be like.

One more thing. While I was browsing through toys for sale, I said something that made everyone around me immediately stop everything and tell me it was the best thing they'd heard all day. Here it is: "Have you seen 'The Passion Of The Christ'? It's a snuff film about Jesus, and they whip him with a chain very similar to this one." Apparently that was a win.

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