Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Has Foodz Issues: Part II

I've been on this diet for 2 weeks now. So far I've lost 8 lbs and the cravings have gone away for the moment; but I've been irritable and cranky. Then I happened to be reading and it mentioned irritability as a symptom of dieting.

So today I just feel like doing nothing, and just vegging out in my bed, watching movies. Blah. I have articles to write, and a batch of other projects I'd love to get going on, but every time I start to do them, I just feel repelled.

It seems pretty clear it's the diet. But I doubt it has anything to do with any particular vitamin deficiency. I'm getting all the nutrition I need, and then some; but my caloric intake has really gone down. So wherever this bad mood is coming from, I'm guessing it's related to calories alone.

On the other hand, I'm also pretty sure the bad mood will clear up in time. It's probably the result of the sudden change, not to mention all the withdrawal I must be experiencing, from grease, salt, and sugar. I'd be amazed if I did this sudden dietary change, and just felt great right away. I have to pay my dues.

This reminds me of when I gave up caffeine recently. I felt awful for quite awhile, but then I was free. This has to be the same exact thing. It's amazing how nonfunctional I feel. As I write, the words seem very poorly thought out.

So yeah, this is clearly one of the early tests, where my strength of resolve has to be equal to the challenge of losing the ability to reason. And through it all, I have to remember the massive temptation that lies probably months in the future, and not get lost in any sort of "hey, I'm losing so much weight" euphoria.

Still though - blah.

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