Sunday, July 11, 2010


Whew! Well, it took us all weekend. We just finished a few minutes ago, and I have to admit, Will did more of the work than I did. Maybe if I hadn't banged my toe it would've been different. There's something about having a banged up toe, I find, that makes you want to take the shortest route to all other destinations. I had no interest in checking any calculations, verifying any measurements, or correcting any misalignments of wood. But as it turned out, everything worked, and there was nothing to correct.

The worst problem with building these three bookcases was that the screws were a little too thick, and so they were constantly threatening to split the wood, or poke out one side or the other as we screwed them in. But they were remarkably well behaved. I've had some bookcase-building experiences where the wood was entirely warped, and it took a huge effort to make everything come out OK. These bookcases seemed to actively desire to be built. They gave us no trouble at all.

There they are. Too late I noticed we'd used one-by-tens for the planks, instead of one-by-twelves, so they're not as deep as the other bookcases in the apartment. But eh. They will totally do.

It's too late in the day, and I'm too tired and achy, to put anything actually on the shelves. That will be tomorrow evening's activity. If I'm very very lucky, I will, like the Cat In The Hat, pick up all the things that are down. I can't imagine that there is more stuff on the floor than will fit in those shelves. And I do still have a lot of free closet space. So one way or another, my apartment will no longer be saturated with junk. The junk will be neatly on shelves, thank you very much.

So, yay! Hooray for building things that are functional! Hooray for tables and bookcases and things to put on them and do on them. And hooray for Will, who was great the whole time.

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