Sunday, July 25, 2010

I Has Foodz Issues: Part V

I've been having some dizzy spells and sleepiness issues. The dizzy spells are not so extreme that I actually fall over, but a day or so ago it was hard to read because the words seemed to float out of my field of vision.

The sleepiness issue is not so terrible either; but definitely present. I've been getting tired very early, and sleeping for 8 hours, as opposed to my usual five and a half. Also, after eating I tend to get very sleepy; which hadn't been happening so much before my diet.

I figure it could either be an injury from the sudden diet change, a caloric deficiency, some other nutritional deficiency, or lupus. It always has to at least possibly be lupus.

I suspect the sleep stuff is probably a result of injuring myself from the sudden diet change; and I just have to hope that I recover. I don't want to compromise the diet for that though, because it's such a razor's edge that I don't want to risk falling back into my old way of eating.

The dizziness, I'm guessing is a vitamin deficiency. I recently made a couple of changes to the diet, that might have resulted in that.

First, I cut down my caloric intake. I had been having a salad for lunch, and then two entrées from the local macrobiotic place. One of those entrées was a fish tempura, and someone pointed out that 'tempura' meant deep-fried in oil. So I cut that out and started having a small appetizer with a single entrée instead.

And secondly, I've been loosening up about exactly what kind of salad I'll eat. I had been going across the street from work to a salad place, and having a very complex, nutrient-rich salad that covered pretty much everything. Now, I'm essentially practicing my "find the best foods where I am" approach, by going to the café at work, and getting the healthiest vegetables I can find. The problem is that even though it's a big pile of nice raw veggies, it's not as diverse as my salads, and probably not as nutritionally balanced. So it's now much more likely that I could develop some kind of nutritional deficiency.

Certain cravings have also come back, which I've also started equating with nutritional deficiencies. And the psychological inner warfare is also in effect. Lauren and I went to the grocery store yesterday, and I found myself trying to make excuses for everything. Breakfast cereals, snacks of various kinds, you name it.

It can get pretty scary, because I realize that I might suddenly find myself biting into a huge burger, or snacking on cookies or something. And if that ever happened, I might just take the opportunity to keep going with it. I'm a junkie. That's not a metaphor. I'm a junkie and I'm trying to get clean, but if my brain tricks me into backsliding, I don't really know what'll happen.

Anyway yeah. Various symptoms, no solutions, just keeping on keeping on, and hoping it evens out.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you just aren't eating as often as you need to? Dizziness for me is about my metabolism being angry at me, because I haven't fed regularly enough. Maybe you can eat half your salad for before lunch, and then half again around your usual lunchtime, and carry around an apple or other crudites for nomming. I mean, if you're eating constantly, then you can crave as much, right?
